The journal
Each issue of Instituta. provides a forum for the exploration of the historical dimensions of European and International political institutions (and Organizations) as well as for up-to-date analysis of topical historical issues.
Instituta. is a peer reviewed online journal. Its main aim is to give quality research papers. It provides platform to academicians, phd students, professionals, and it publishes only original research papers.

CONTENTS no. 1/2024
Sara Ercolani, Il contributo della battaglia contro la tratta di donne e minori alla costruzione di un sistema internazionale a tutela dei diritti umani
Aliesia Soloviova, Young and restless: youth organisations of Europe and the USSR in the Cold War
Eva Christina Müller-Praefcke, Facing the Challenges of Integration: Egon Klepsch and Emilio Colombo at the European Parliament
Luca Cinciripini, Informal interaction mechanisms between the EU and NATO within the European defence regime: implications for institutional dynamics
Debates and Discussions
Rocco W. Ronza, Diritti umani, autodeterminazione nazionale e trusteeship: la strana storia di Jan Smuts. Riflessioni a partire da D. Boucher e B. Ngulunga (a cura di), Reappraising the Life and Legacy of Jan C. Smuts, Johannesburg, UJ Press, 2024
Andrea Becherucci, Nuovi documenti per il fondo Altiero Spinelli
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