Editorial rules
- Texts should be sent to the editorial office in .doc or .docx format.
- Use Times New Roman (12pt the text; 11pt long quotations, 10pt the footnotes). Text positioning: justified throughout. Line spacing: one and half space. Paragraph spacing: indent by 0,5 cm the first line of each paragraph, except for the first line after a section heading (use the return key, not the space bar or the tab key). Do not allow an extra-line space between paragraphs. Word and sentence spacing: single space between words, including after a full stop. The document page should always be laid out as in a normal A4 document (about 21x29 cm), with margins of about 2 or 3 cm, the same for the left and right sides.
- The front page must include:
- a title (14pt, roman);
- the name and surname of the Author(s);
- a short biographical note of the Author(s) (about 200 words);
- an abstract in English of 500 words maximum;
- six keywords maximum.
- In addition to being included in the text, any images should be provided separately and in the highest resolution possible (in any case, at least 300 dpi). Tables, appropriately numbered, should be saved in separate files, while the text should indicate where they should be placed.
- Italic must be used for book titles, article titles, chapter titles, foreign terms, and to emphasize a word.
- Hyphens and dashes:
- to join two words (e.g.: technical-scientific committee) use the hyphen without any space, either before or after it;
- to mark off parenthetical statements use the middle-length en dash, always in pairs, preceded and followed by a space (e.g.: As long as the intensification of the Cold War – and therefore of the relations between SFIO and PSI – remained limited, the federation was able to maintain an original uncommitted position between the party it actually depended on.).
- Keep the use of capitalized letters to a minimum, always remembering that, once a choice has been made, one must conform to it throughout the volume. Use them for proper nouns, including those of institutions, bodies and organs of international organizations or States. Never capitalize entire words, except in the case of acronyms. This rule also applies to the authors’ names, in the text and notes.
- Bold characters and underlining are not allowed.
- Do not use underlining or quotation marks for URLs. Include the URL in extenso.
Notes should be numbered consecutively, starting with 1, chapter by chapter: the number of the note in the text should be placed in exponent, after any punctuation mark.
Footnotes should be inserted automatically in Word format. Each footnote should end with a full stop.
Le note vanno inserite automaticamente in formato Word a piè di pagina. Ogni nota dovrà terminare con il punto fermo.
Quotations longer than about three lines should be included in a new paragraph, preceded and followed by an extra spacing, in smaller type than the main text, without inverted commas at the beginning and end of the passage.
Short quotations, inserted into the text, should be placed between quotation marks, maintaining a uniformity of choice throughout the text. Use single quotation marks for internal quotations. Any omissis within the quoted passages will be indicated by three dots in square brackets: [...].
Bibliographic citations in the notes should be as complete as possible, namely:
1) Author: indicate only the dotted initial of the first name and then the surname; for miscellaneous works use only the title of the volume, if there are more than three authors; for up to three co-authors, give the name and surname of the first of the authors followed by [et al.]; if there is more than one author, divide the names with a comma; - editor (s): in miscellaneous volumes, it precedes the title in the formula (ed. / plural eds.), which follows first name and surname;
2) Title of the work: in italics;
3) Place of publication (in the original language of the volume);
4) Name of the publisher;
5) Date of publication or printing; number of the edition, when it is not the first, with an Arabic number exponent of the year cited for the edition;
6) any indication of the collection, or series, which the work belongs to, should be placed in round brackets and in inverted commas, followed by the Arabic or Roman numeral of the volume;
7) eventual reference to the page or pages; numbers should always be preceded by p.; pages with Roman numeration should be formatted in capital letters.
The above-mentioned elements should always be separated by a comma.
- B. Croce, La poesia di Dante, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1945.
- B. Croce, La poesia di Dante, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 19472, p. 256.
- A. Manzoni, Opere, a cura di R. Bacchelli, Milano-Napoli, Ricciardi, 1953 (“La letteratura italiana - Storia e testi”, 53).
- R. Dornbusch, M. Draghi (eds.), Public Debt Management: Theory and History, New York, Cambridge University Press, 1997, p. 232-233.
b) Works in several volumes
The full description of the general work is always preferable, followed by the references to the volume cited:
- L. Salvatorelli, Profilo della storia d’Europa, Torino, Utet, 1951, 2 voll.; vol. II, p. 809-812.
c) Essays in miscellaneous volume
The essay is described, and the source is given:
M. Mei, Sensazioni e Ideae sensuales nella filosofia di Christian Wolff, in F.L. Marcolungo (ed.), Christian Wolff tra psicologia empirica e psicologia razionale, Hildesheim-Zürich-New York, Olms, 2007, pp. 95-112.
d) Journal article
The first element is the author’s name; format the title of the article in italics, the title of the journal within double quotation marks “ ” with the following indications in this order:
a) series, if any, in Roman numerals, preceded by the abbreviation s.;
b) year or volume of the journal in Roman numerals;
c) calendar year of publication of the journal in Arabic numerals between round brackets; the year should not be preceded by a comma;
d) number of pages of the article if quoting the whole article; only the pages concerned if partially; numbers should always be preceded by p.
- G. Tassoni, Le indagini napoleoniche nei dipartimenti delle Marche, “Lares”, XXX (1964), p. 173-187.
- P. Quaroni, Neutralità impossibile, “Nuova antologia”, LXXXIX (1954), p. 451-472.
- W. Binni, Il teatro comico di Cimiamo Gigli, “La rassegna della letteratura italiana”, s. XII, vol. VII (1959), p. 417-434.
Bibliographic citations will be preceded by “cf.” when referring generically to the content of the work and the specific pages referred to; they will not be preceded by “cf.” when quoting passages or phrases contained in the work referred to.
To refer to a title already given in a previous footnote, use the author's name in abbreviated form and the title proper, i.e. the title without the secondary or supplementary title; the title proper may also be abbreviated if it is very long, adding the abbreviation “cit.”:
First quote:
• D.J. Geanakoplos, Bisanzio e il Rinascimento. Umanisti greci a Venezia e diffusione del greco in Occidente (1400-1535), Roma, Edizioni dell’Ateneo, 1967, p. 15.
Second quote:
• D.J. Geanakoplos, Bisanzio e il Rinascimento, cit., p. 25.
Ivi, Ibidem
Ivi: this is used for a bibliographical citation that refers to the same work as the immediately preceding note, but to a different page number.
- 8 D.J. Geanakoplos, Byzantium and the Renaissance, cit., p. 25.
- 9 Ivi, p. 5.
Ibidem: it is used for a bibliographical citation referring to the same work as the immediately preceding footnote, with reference to the same page.
- 3 D.J. Geanakoplos, Byzantium and the Renaissance, cit., p. 25.
- 4 Ibidem.