CONTENTS no. 1/2023
Cristina Bon, Andrea santini, Un momento hamiltoniano? Riflessione interdisciplinare comparata tra Stati Uniti e Unione europea sul problema del debito
Ludovica Aricò, La genesi di un core labour standard: l’Organizzazione internazionale del lavoro e la convenzione sull’età minima del 1973
Jacopo Cellini, The European Investment Bank and the Environment. The History of the EIB’s Environmental Strategy from the 1970s to the 1990s
Michael Selis, The Hand of Friendship. NATO’s Institutional Reform in the 1990s Analyzed Through New Narratives and Innovative Policy Measures Towards Central and Eastern Europe
NicoLa Melis, L’Impero ottomano: uno stato tra “civiltà” e “barbarie”?
Confronti e discussioni
Collection of texts as sources for research and legal access to texts according to international copyright law: Deborah Grbac, Introduction; Hermine Diebolt, La numérisation des documents officiels de la Société des Nations : quelles opportunités pour le monde de la recherche ? Deborah Grbac, L’accesso ai contenuti di documenti ufficiali e periodici delle Nazioni Unite e il loro riuso. I dati testuali e l’eccezione del Text and Data Mining
Leonida Tedoldi, The Constitutive Process of European Central Bank: Issues and Problems of the Institutional Aspects
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